1 # Board - [MATEKSYS F411-WSE](http://www.mateksys.com/?portfolio=f411-wse)
3 ![Matek F411 Wing](http://www.mateksys.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/F411-WSE_1-1500x600.jpg)
9 * BMP280 barometer (DSP310 with new FCs from around June 2021)
10 * Integrated PDB for 2 motors
18 * [Full specification](http://www.mateksys.com/?portfolio=f411-wse)
19 * SBUS pad has a built-in inverter and is connected to UART2 RX
23 * `MATEKF411SE` Stock target. LED control and have SS1 on ST1 pad, SS2 on TX2 pad.
24 * `MATEKF411SE_PINIO` Adds USER 2 PINIO support on the LED pad.
25 * `MATEKF411SE_FD_SFTSRL1` Adds full duplex SS1 by putting the RX on the LED pad.
26 * `MATEKF411SE_SS2_CH6` SS2 moved to Ch6 pad. This keeps UART 2 as a full UART (for example, for use with Crossfire) and SS2 support.